Mike (Regency West),
I feel compelled to send you a quick thank you letter. We have been in our house just over one
year now. Since we moved in, every week, I have wanted to send you a thank you letter. We love
our house. We thought we loved it when we moved in, but it continues to grow. I want to thank
you for two specific things: (1) the quality construction and (2) your customer service.
I don't think it is normal for people to think about how much they love their house every day, but
we do. Even a year later, we continue to find things you built into this house that cause us to
marvel. You truly went the extra mile when you built this house. The quality of the construction
is unsurpassed, and the attention to detail delights us. Even our daughter, age 6, talks about how
she loves our house.
Heather and I have owned many houses in our lives, none compare to this. We hope to stay here
for a very long time. If we do move some day, we will definitely want you to build our next
house. Your attention to detail, the quality of construction, and the customer service has really
won us over.
Speaking of the customer service, I want to compliment you regarding your superintendent.
He continues to send us emails (14 months later) asking us if there is anything we would
like addressed. I have never known of a construction company that is so committed to a
customer's service and satisfaction.
Thank you for your quality work and for taking care of the little issues that have come up over
our first year of ownership. I wish you well as a company.
The construction and customer service are a delight!
After living here over a year, I wanted you to know that we love this house more today than the
day we moved in. And, I wanted to say "thank you" to you for how you pay attention to detail. I
love to come home everyday. Heather and I laugh every once awhile about how lucky we are.
Thank you again.
Allen Lake – Street of Dreams